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Yozi - Multipurpose Electronics WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Yozi - Multipurpose Electronics WooCommerce WordPress Theme

$59 Free
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Last updated: 28 Feb 25


Yozi is modern and fresh design template for eCommerce (Online Shopping), marketplace, multiple vendors. Beside a large number of features, this theme is a perfect template for leaving a positive impression to your customers. Yozi theme support you many great tools to enable the features via using Theme Options, you also can customize Google fonts without code very easy and simple. Finally, every single element of in Yozi is entirely responsive, as content can be viewed from desktop and mobile devices.

SAVE YOU $70 – The WordPress theme includes the best selling slider plugin – Slider Revolution (save you $25) and the amazing WordPress builder – WPBakery Page Builder (save you $45).

Yozi is a WooCommerce theme and it supports all features of WooCommerce. Multi-vendor management is not a default feature of WooCommerce. However there are WooCommerce extensions like Dokan and WC Vendors ( all of them offer a free version ) allow you to extend WooCommerce into a multi-vendor platform. Yozi supports the above mentioned plugins. So, yes you can build a multi-vendor website using Yozi if you are familiar with the above plugins.

Last Update 28 February 2025
Published 10 February 2018
Gutenberg Optimized Yes
High Resolution Yes
Widget Ready Yes
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Compatible With WooCommerce 9.x.x, WooCommerce 8.x.x, WooCommerce 7.x.x, WooCommerce 6.x.x, WPML
Software Version WordPress 6.7.x, WordPress 6.6.x, WordPress 6.5.x, WordPress 6.4.x, WordPress 6.3.x
ThemeForest Files Included PHP Files, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Responsive
Tags affiliates, amazon affiliate, dokan, electronics, electronics theme, fashion, furniture, mobile layout, multi sellers, multi vendor, multisellers, shopping, watch, wc vendors