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Rawtracks - Music & DJ Theme

Rawtracks - Music & DJ Theme

$85 Free
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Last updated: 06 Dec 24


Blast the speakers to full volume with Rawtracks, a modern theme for every musician, entertainment festival, DJ, record label and music producer! The theme features carefully designed layouts for modern music artist, music production, recording studio and record company websites, as well as features great for radio stations, podcasts and more! You can feature music player elements, embed playlists from various platforms, and you get full Elementor Page Builder compatibility!

If you have any questions or wish to learn more about Rawtracks theme, we’ve compiled a huge selection of useful articles which you can easily lookup over at our Knowledge Base.

Last Update 6 December 2024
Published 31 March 2022
Gutenberg Optimized Yes
High Resolution Yes
Widget Ready Yes
Compatible Browsers Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Compatible With Elementor, WooCommerce 9.x.x, WooCommerce 8.x.x, WooCommerce 7.x.x, WPML
Software Version WordPress 6.7.x, WordPress 6.6.x, WordPress 6.5.x, WordPress 6.4.x, WordPress 6.3.x, WordPress 6.2.x, WordPress 6.1.x
ThemeForest Files Included PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files
Columns 4+
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Responsive
Tags audio, creative, discography, dj, elementor, music, music artist, music festival, music label, music player, music producer, music store, musician, record label, recording studio