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Minikini - Minimal Portfolio WordPress Theme

Minikini - Minimal Portfolio WordPress Theme

$39 Free
Last updated: 27 Oct 24


Minikini – Minimal Portfolio WordPress Theme is a creative and innovative theme that will provide you immense competitive edge to stand out in the market. You can use this theme to build up sites on eCommerce, Personal Portfolio, Agency, Creative, Business and Blog as well.

However, since we are continuously learning new ideas on web design and researching the market trend, we have added the optimum quality to this theme.

Minikini comes with 45+ readymade pages including 8+ unique home versions. This theme is built based on Bootstrap 4, CSS3 and HTML 5 and adapted to super-easy plugins like HT Mega & Portfolio.

Last Update 27 October 2024
Published 29 August 2017
Gutenberg Optimized Yes
High Resolution Yes
Widget Ready Yes
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Compatible With Facebook, bbPress 2.5.x, Easy Digital Downloads, Elementor, Elementor Pro, Events Calendar, Events Calendar Pro, Gravity Forms, Layers WP, WPML
Framework Underscores
Software Version WordPress 6.6.x, WordPress 6.5.x, WordPress 6.4.x, WordPress 6.3.x, WordPress 6.2.x, WordPress 6.1.x, WordPress 6.0.x
ThemeForest Files Included PHP Files, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files
Columns 4+
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Responsive
Tags agency, architecture, clean, creative, design, minimal, minimalist portfolio, minimalistic portfolio, parallax wordpress, photography, portfolio, portfolio responsive, portfolio theme, portfolio wordpress, video