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Cartify - WooCommerce Gutenberg WordPress Theme

Cartify - WooCommerce Gutenberg WordPress Theme

$59 Free
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Last updated: 02 Jun 24


Introducing Cartify, The Most Essential WooCommerce Theme for Gutenberg. Features packed conversion based theme to give seamless experience to the users without any distraction. You can create any kind of shopping website with help of 20+ responsive & unique demo layouts which are entirely built upon Gutenberg blocks. Demo includes 4 Unique layouts for General purpose stores, 4 Unique layouts for Furnitures stores, 2 Unique layouts for Fashion shops, Grocery stores & Jewel shops also includes shop layouts for Electronics Gadgets, Shoes, Watches, Sport wears, Baby products, Skincare products, Modern arts. All demos are crafted carefully with modern design trends in mind. Each demo will give you modern look and seamless experience on any devices. Also you can mix & match the sections/blocks from each demos without a need of any changes. We decided to keep the same fonts & similar typography & spacing throughout the site on all demos to maintain the consistency and visual flow.

We understand that functional abilities of the theme is as important as design. So we decided to add as features as possible in this theme. For ex. You can let your users to complete the purchase using multistep checkout by giving them nice step by step visual clues without leaving the page. Also allow users to add the products directly from the shop or any page even it has variations, you can configure and add it. Also you can show multiple images for each variations without limitations.

We committed ourself to show as much as header information possible on all devices without restricting any design & functional abilities. So our Header builder will give you complete flexibility over all devices. So same desktop menu can be used on mobile as well without compromising it’s structure.

Last Update 2 June 2024
Published 2 May 2022
Gutenberg Optimized Yes
High Resolution Yes
Widget Ready Yes
Compatible Browsers Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Compatible With WooCommerce 6.x.x
Software Version WordPress 6.0.x
ThemeForest Files Included PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files
Columns 1
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Responsive
Tags ecommerce, electronics store, fashion, furniture shop, gadgets, gutenberg, home decor, jewellery shop, mobile first, optimized, responsive, super market, woocommerce