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Basil | Cooking Classes and Workshops WordPress Theme

Basil | Cooking Classes and Workshops WordPress Theme

$69 Free
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Last updated: 30 Jan 25


Basil – elegant, fresh, responsive & clean Cooking WordPress Theme. It has a highly visual look and feel. It perfectly works for a cooking school company or cooking workshops services agency. Also it fits websites for sharing recipes, cookbooks and products, food & chef blog or any other topic related eCommerce site, firm, shop or bureau.

Basil provides user-friendly admin interface to create flexible cooking courses and classes, meals and dishes teaching.

Basil is loaded with plenty of pre-built pages and you can feel relaxed while creating your online presentation – just import them using one click demo installation option! A primary feature here is WPBakery (aka Visual Composer, which we think is better than Elementor), it makes it super easy to create your own page layouts.

Last Update 30 January 2025
Published 3 February 2017
Gutenberg Optimized No
High Resolution Yes
Widget Ready Yes
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Compatible With WooCommerce 8.x.x, WooCommerce 7.x.x, WooCommerce 6.x.x, WooCommerce 5.x.x, WPBakery Page Builder, WPML
Software Version WordPress 6.4.x, WordPress 6.3.x, WordPress 6.2.x, WordPress 6.1.x, WordPress 6.0.x, WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x
ThemeForest Files Included PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files
Columns 4+
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Responsive
Tags blog, cookbook, cooking, cooking class, cooking classes, cooking school, e-commerce, events, food, lifestyle, recipes, shop, store, woocommerce, workshop